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21 Sep 2022

Gtreat de greart

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Denis Reviewer 2 and 1 anonymous reviewer





lkjlkjmlkmlkmlk<p>mlkmlk lmkmlk</p>TESTDéniîûus ReçommènderAnonymous2022-06-10 15:02:43 View
08 Sep 2022

Nouvel essai our notifications pour Raphael


Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Marjolaine PCI Administrator Manager and DENIS BOURGUET ?

zlkje lkj mlkm mzek rmlk mlkzer

Nouvel essai our notifications pour RaphaelDenis Submitter<p>AbstractClonal populations of cells continuously evolve new genetic diversity, but it takes a significant amount of time for the progeny of a single cell with a new beneficial mutation to outstrip both its ancestor and competitors to fully domi...TESTDenis Bourguet DENIS BOURGUET , Marjolaine PCI Administrator Manager2022-09-07 12:00:42 View
20 Jul 2022
article picture

Profiling the initial burst of beneficial genetic diversity in clonal cell populations to anticipate evolution


Recommended by Recommender Recommender ? based on reviews by Denis Bourguet and Marjolaine PCI Administrator Manager

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Profiling the initial burst of beneficial genetic diversity in clonal cell populations to anticipate evolutionDaniel E Deatherage, Jeffrey E Barrick<p>Clonal populations of cells continuously evolve new genetic diversity, but it takes a significant amount of time for the progeny of a single cell with a new beneficial mutation to outstrip both its ancestor and competitors to fully dominate a p...TESTRecommender Recommender Denis Bourguet, Marjolaine PCI Administrator Manager2021-01-05 14:06:03 View
26 Apr 2022

Dynamics of Fucus serratus thallus photosynthesis and community primary production during emersion across seasons: canopy dampening and biochemical acclimation

my recommendation

Recommended by Recommender Recommender ? based on reviews by Olivier . and 1 anonymous reviewer

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Dynamics of Fucus serratus thallus photosynthesis and community primary production during emersion across seasons: canopy dampening and biochemical acclimationAline Migné, Gwendoline Duong, Dominique Menu, Dominique Davoult & François Gévaert<p>The brown alga Fucus serratus forms dense stands on the sheltered low intertidal rocky shores of the Northeast Atlantic coast. In the southern English Channel, these stands have proved to be highly productive, particularly during emersion perio...TESTRecommender Recommender , Olivier ., Anonymous2021-01-05 14:36:32 View
26 Apr 2022

Hemangiosarcoma cells induce M2 polarization and PD-L1 expression in macrophages

Warm recommendation for Raphael's COAR inbox

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by OFA . and Marjolaine Outsider ?

decision: yes you can

Hemangiosarcoma cells induce M2 polarization and PD-L1 expression in macrophagesKevin Christian M. Gulay, Keisuke Aoshima, Naoya Maekawa, Satoru Konnai, Atsushi Kobayashi, Takashi Kimura<p>AbstractHemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant tumor derived from endothelial cells. Tumor-associated macrophages are one of the major components of tumor microenvironment and crucial for cancer development. The presence and function of macrophag...TESTMarjolaine INRA Recommandeur OFA ., thomas Guillemaud, Denis SupAgro , Marjolaine Outsider 2021-08-05 10:49:41 View