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20 Sep 2023
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IL-6 blockade suppresses the blood-brain barrier disorder, leading to prevention of onset of NMOSD

my recommendation title

Recommended by based on reviews by thomas reviewer1 and thomas reviewer2

my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text my recommention text 

IL-6 blockade suppresses the blood-brain barrier disorder, leading to prevention of onset of NMOSDYukio Takeshita, Susumu Fujikawa, Kenichi Serizawa, Miwako Fujisawa, Kinya Matsuo, Joe Nemoto, Fumitaka Shimizu, Yasuteru Sano, Haruna Tomizawa-Shinohara, Shota Miyake, Richard M. Ransohoff, Takashi Kanda<p>AbstractNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an autoimmune astrocytopathy caused by antibodies against the aquaporin 4(AQP4) in end-feet of astrocytes. Breakdown of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) allowing ingress of AQP4 antibodies ...TESTJean -François abebertecommender thomas reviewer2, thomas reviewer12023-09-20 14:27:32 View
06 Sep 2023
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Test for Coar Notify (thomas)

this is the title of my recommendation

Recommended by based on reviews by thomas reviewer2 and 1 anonymous reviewer

this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation this is the text of my recommendation 

Test for Coar Notify (thomas)thomas recommender3<p>jl zel lmkezj lmjze rlj zerlkj zer</p>TESTJean -François abebertecommender thomas reviewer2, Anonymous2023-09-06 13:26:32 View
13 Aug 2024
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Communication: A Combined Periodic Density Functional and Incremental Wave-Function-based Approach for the Dispersion-Accounting Time-Resolved Dynamics of 4He Nanodroplets on Surfaces: 4He/Graphene


Recommended by based on reviews by Roman Adan and Adan2 Roman2

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María Pilar de Lara Castells, H. Stoll, B. Civalleri, E. M. Voloshina Causà, Alexander O. Mitrushchenkov, Martí Pi (2015) Communication: A Combined Periodic Density Functional and Incremental Wave-Function-based Approach for the Dispersion-Accounting Time-Resolved Dynamics of 4He Nanodroplets on Surfaces: 4He/Graphene., ver.1 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Comp Stat

Communication: A Combined Periodic Density Functional and Incremental Wave-Function-based Approach for the Dispersion-Accounting Time-Resolved Dynamics of 4He Nanodroplets on Surfaces: 4He/GrapheneMaría Pilar de Lara Castells, H. Stoll, B. Civalleri, E. M. Voloshina Causà, Alexander O. Mitrushchenkov, Martí Pi<p>5 pags.; 2 figs.; 2 tabs.</p>TESTAdán Román Roman Adan, Adan2 Roman2, Adán Román2024-08-13 11:38:06 View
02 Jul 2024
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Prueba PCI 1

Its OK

Recommended by based on reviews by Roman Adan and Adan2 Roman2

Very OK

Prueba PCI 1Smith, John<p>El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), organismo dependiente el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, ha celebrado hoy el acto de entrega de los Premios a la Supervisión Novel, los Premios de Tesis Doctorales Re...TESTJean -François abebertecommender Roman Adan, Adan2 Roman22024-07-01 12:46:38 View
14 Aug 2024
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Novel Simulation Approaches for Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems


Recommended by based on reviews by Roman Adan and Adan2 Roman2

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Joan J. Cerdà, Christian Holm, K. Kremer (2012) Novel Simulation Approaches for Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems. test, ver.1 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Comp Stat

Novel Simulation Approaches for Polymeric and Soft Matter SystemsJoan J. Cerdà, Christian Holm, K. Kremer<p>Special Issue: Novel Simulation Approaches for Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems</p>TESTAdán Román Roman Adan, Adan2 Roman22024-08-14 08:50:16 View
18 Mar 2024
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Is dispersal always beneficial to carrying capacity? New insights from the multi-patch logistic equation


Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Reviewer Fake 86 and Reviewer Fake 87





Is dispersal always beneficial to carrying capacity? New insights from the multi-patch logistic equationDenis INRAE<p><br>Vous pouvez partager un article en cliquant sur les icônes de partage en haut à droite de celui-ci.&nbsp;<br>La reproduction totale ou partielle d’un article, sans l’autorisation écrite et préalable du Monde, est strictement interdite.&nbsp...TESTDéniîûus Reçommènder Reviewer Fake 85, Reviewer Fake 87, Reviewer Fake 86, Reviewer Fake 882024-03-18 16:42:28 View
13 Oct 2023
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Essai pour decision recommandation


Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Reviewer4 Fake and Reviewer Fake 123 ?




Essai pour decision recommandationDenis Submitter gmail<p>zeze</p> <p>ez</p> <p>ez</p>TESTDéniîûus Reçommènder Reviewer4 Fake, Reviewer Fake 123 2023-10-13 08:17:44 View
26 Apr 2022

Dynamics of Fucus serratus thallus photosynthesis and community primary production during emersion across seasons: canopy dampening and biochemical acclimation

my recommendation

Recommended by Recommender Recommender ? based on reviews by Olivier . and 1 anonymous reviewer

text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation text of recommendation 

Dynamics of Fucus serratus thallus photosynthesis and community primary production during emersion across seasons: canopy dampening and biochemical acclimationAline Migné, Gwendoline Duong, Dominique Menu, Dominique Davoult & François Gévaert<p>The brown alga Fucus serratus forms dense stands on the sheltered low intertidal rocky shores of the Northeast Atlantic coast. In the southern English Channel, these stands have proved to be highly productive, particularly during emersion perio...TESTRecommender Recommender , Olivier ., Anonymous2021-01-05 14:36:32 View
26 Apr 2022

Hemangiosarcoma cells induce M2 polarization and PD-L1 expression in macrophages

Warm recommendation for Raphael's COAR inbox

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by OFA . and Marjolaine Outsider ?

decision: yes you can

Hemangiosarcoma cells induce M2 polarization and PD-L1 expression in macrophagesKevin Christian M. Gulay, Keisuke Aoshima, Naoya Maekawa, Satoru Konnai, Atsushi Kobayashi, Takashi Kimura<p>AbstractHemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a malignant tumor derived from endothelial cells. Tumor-associated macrophages are one of the major components of tumor microenvironment and crucial for cancer development. The presence and function of macrophag...TESTMarjolaine INRA Recommandeur OFA ., thomas Guillemaud, Denis SupAgro , Marjolaine Outsider 2021-08-05 10:49:41 View
08 Aug 2023
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Essay following the release of 23.6.0


Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Marjolaine Hamelin, Denis SupAgro ? and 1 anonymous reviewer

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a manière avec laquelle un régime politique traite ses opposants constitue en général un révélateur assez juste de sa nature. Ce principe a été vérifié avec l’effarante peine de dix-neuf ans de prison prononcée le 4 août en Russie contre Alexeï Navalny. Les charges aberrantes retenues, de « réhabilitation du nazisme » et d’« extrémisme », ont également confirmé une fois de plus ce qu’il était advenu d’un système judiciaire dévoyé, réquisitionné pour écarter aussi longtemps que possible celui qui s’est attaché, avant la tentative d’empoisonnement dont il a été la cible en 2020, à dénoncer la corruption massive à l’œuvre dans la verticale du pouvoir de Vladimir Poutine.

Lire aussi : Article réservé à nos abonnés En Russie, l’opposant Alexeï Navalny une nouvelle fois condamné au terme d’un procès expéditif
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Alexeï Navalny, qui croupit dans une colonie pénitentiaire à « régime spécial » où il est soumis constamment aux brimades, n’en a pourtant pas fini avec ses accusateurs. Des charges de « terrorisme » doivent encore lui être signifiées. Elles lui vaudront sans nul doute des années de prison supplémentaires, quelle que soit leur vacuité.

Lire aussi : Article réservé à nos abonnés Alexeï Navalny, un prisonnier politique en guerre contre la machine de l’Etat russe
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La même semaine, le 2 août, la machine à broyer qu’est devenu l’appareil judiciaire russe a confirmé la peine exorbitante prononcée contre le journaliste Ivan Safronov, condamné à vingt-deux ans de prison pour « haute trahison » en 2020. Deux jours plus tôt, la peine la plus élevée prononcée contre un opposant au cours des dernières années, vingt-cinq ans de colonie pénitentiaire, pour « haute trahison », a également été maintenue à l’encontre de l’opposant Vladimir Kara-Mourza. Ce dernier a été affaibli physiquement par d’autres tentatives d’empoisonnement niées sans convaincre par un régime qui charrie avec constance dans son sillage un nombre troublant de morts violentes.

Dérive répressive
Cette parodie de justice ne peut tromper personne. Elle est devenue encore plus la caricature d’elle-même depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine et l’échec du Kremlin à transformer par la force Kiev en un satellite docile de la Russie. Avec les difficultés rencontrées sur place, la dérive répressive du Kremlin s’est en effet accentuée, et élargie. Sous le coup d’accusations d’« espionnage », le correspondant en Russie du Wall Street Journal, Evan Gershkovich, y est détenu depuis mars. Il est le premier journaliste des Etats-Unis à être soumis à pareil traitement depuis la fin de la guerre froide.

Essay following the release of 23.6.0Denis Submitter<p>erzee</p> <p>z</p> <p>ze</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>TESTDéniîûus Reçommènder Marjolaine Hamelin, Denis SupAgro 2023-08-08 20:38:13 View